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논문 "Association of MRI-defined lumbar paraspinal muscle mass and slip percentage in degenerative and isthmic spondylolisthesis: A multicenter, retrospective, observational study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Dec;98(49)\"
논문 "Exploring Korean Medicine professions' perspectives on the applicability of ChatGPT in facial palsy practice: A web-based survey European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2024"
논문 "Effect of electroacupuncture stimulation at different frequencies on brain wavesAcupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research 2019"
논문 "호흡곤란과 흉통을 호소하는 다발성 늑골골절 환자에 대한 한방복합치료 증례 보고 1례 한방척추관절학회지 2022"
논문 "Efficacy and safety of acupuncture treatment for fatigue after COVID-19 infection: study protocol for a pilot randomized sham-controlled trial Frontiers in Neurology 2023"